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WEB Catalog
Electric Actuators/Cylinders
Step Motor Controller JXCE1/91/P1/D1/L□/M1

・EtherCAT, EtherNet/IP™, PROFINET, DeviceNet®,
IO-Link, and CC-Link compatible
・Two types of operation command:
Step no. defined operation, Numerical data defined operation
・Transition wiring of communication cables
・Numerical monitoring available
・IO-Link communication can be performed.
・Controller with STO sub-function/JXC□F
Safety Instructions
Electric Actuators/Precautions
Series Variations
Simplified Selection Flow Chart
Green Procurement (RoHS)
CE/UL-compliance List
Series | Compatible motor |
Power supply voltage |
Fieldbus |
JXCE1 (Standard) JXCEF (With subfunction) |
Step motor (Servo/24 VDC) |
24 VDC ±10% |
EtherCAT™ |
JXC91 (Standard) JXC9F (With subfunction) |
Step motor (Servo/24 VDC) |
24 VDC ±10% |
EtherNet/IP™ |
JXCP1 (Standard) JXCPF (With subfunction) |
Step motor (Servo/24 VDC) |
24 VDC ±10% |
JXCD1 (Standard) | Step motor (Servo/24 VDC) |
24 VDC ±10% |
DeviceNet™ |
JXCL1 (Standard) JXCLF (With subfunction) |
Step motor (Servo/24 VDC) |
24 VDC ±10% |
IO-Link |
JXCM1 (Standard) | Step motor (Servo/24 VDC) |
24 VDC ±10% |
CC-Link |
Step Motor Controller

Step Data Input Type JXC51/61 Series
Easy-to-use setting software ACT Controller 2 (For PC)
・ACT2 Controller Setting Software ACT Controller 2

・Teaching Box

The actuator and controller are provided as a set. (They can be ordered separately as well.)

Fieldbus Network
DeviceNet®/CC-Link Direct Input Type
Step Motor Controller/JXC□ Series
・Controller Setting Software ACT Controller 2

Controller with STO Sub-Function JXC□F Series
Safety function/STO, SS1-t (EN 61800-5-2)
When the STO signal is input from the safety device, after the SS1-t operation is completed, the unit shifts to the STO operation and the power supply of the motor is turned OFF.

Certified by a third-party organization
Facilitates the safety designing of equipment and facilities (compliant with ISO/IEC standards)