|Flow Control Equipment
The difference between speed control valves and flow adjustment valves is as follows.
Speed controllers are mounted on an actuator (cylinder, etc.) and are used to control the speed of the actuator.
The internal construction uses a lip seal as a check valve, and it is only able to adjust the flow rate in 1 direction.
Throttle valves (Restrictors?) are used to control the flow rate in the piping.
The internal construction uses an O-ring, and it is able to adjust the flow rate in both directions with a fixed throttle.
Although speed controllers can also be used for air blow, the use of a speed controller with the throttle valve (restrictor?) special order part number suffix “-X214” is recommended.
When using a speed controller for air blow flow rate control, make sure that the flow rate adjustment direction is in line with the air blow side.
The throttle valve (restrictor?) part number is “AS∗∗(F)-∗-(∗)-X214.” To adapt a speed controller to meet your application requirements, refer to the special order options on the “How to Order” page in the AS series catalog.