What is the difference between speed controllers and throttle valves (restrictors)? Also, can speed controllers be used for air blow flow rate adjustment?
When using my SMC speed controller with meter-out control, the cylinder lurches and speed control cannot be performed. Why is this happening?
What is the difference between old push-lock speed controllers the those that have been refreshed?
What is the difference between the meter-in and meter-out speed controller control types, and how do I know which to choose?
Can the pressure of a cylinder be set with a speed controller?
Are there high-temperature and low-temperature specifications for SMC speed controllers?
Which speed controller can be used to adjust the speed of a single acting cylinder?
In what direction should the piping be connected for an in-line type speed controller?
Is there a stainless steel specification in-line type speed controller with an indicator?
Is there an AQ series quick exhaust valve with One-touch fittings?
Can AQ series quick exhaust valves be used to prevent condensation in cylinders?
At what point between the cylinder and valve should an AQ series quick exhaust valve be installed?
Can AQ series quick exhaust valves be used with closed center or perfect center solenoid valves?
Why is my AQ series quick exhaust valve generating noise?
Is the part number “AS1201F-M5-06SA” viable? If the “A” (push-lock type) is preceded by an “S,” will it come with sealant?
Does the elbow type AS□-F speed controller piping port (body part) rotate?
For AS1002F speed controllers, does the flow rate in the control flow direction become 0 when the handle is fully closed?