|Process Valves
What is the operating pressure differential of a 2-port valve?
① The max. operating pressure differential is the max. allowable difference between the inlet and outlet pressures for operation. If the outlet pressure is 0 MPa, the max. operating pressure differential is equal to the upper limit of the supply pressure.
Ex.) For a valve with a max. operating pressure differential of 0.3
MPa: an inlet pressure of 0.3 MPa and an outlet pressure of 0 MPa is acceptable.
However, an inlet pressure of 0.5 MPa and an outlet pressure of 0 MPa is unacceptable.
The aforementioned unacceptable example is so because the pressure differential is 0.5 MPa. If the max. operating pressure differential 0.3 MPa, set the operating pressure differential to less than or equal to 0.3 MPa.
② The min. operating pressure differential is the min. required difference for the main valve to operate stably (the difference between the inlet pressure and the outlet pressure).
Ex.) For a valve with a max. operating pressure differential of 0.7 MPa and a min.
operating pressure differential of 0.02 MPa: an inlet pressure of 0.7 MPa and an outlet pressure of 0 MPa is acceptable.
An inlet pressure of 0.02 MPa and an outlet pressure of 0 MPa is also acceptable.
However, an inlet pressure of 0.3 MPa and an outlet pressure of 0.29 MPa is unacceptable.
The aforementioned unacceptable example shows the max. operating pressure differential. However, there is only a 0.01 MPa pressure differential, and the specifications indicate the min. operating pressure differential must be greater than or equal to 0.02 MPa.